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Going to Ålesund!

Kjære familie og venner,

Short update today: I'm going to Ålesund! I am really excited to continue to work hard and make it a great last transfer!

Med kjærlighet,

Søster Jessica Brimhall


  1. Sharing copies of the Book of Mormon outside Det Norske Theater in Oslo! Sandvika ward missionaries and most of the Oslo district.

  2. Sharing copies of the Book of Mormon outside Det Norske Theater in Oslo! We were on splits with the Arendal sisters, Søster Bair and Søster Stansfield.

  3. Middag (dinner) with Søster Liv Heieren på Hønefoss.

  4. Hønefoss. It's the fjord!

  5. Sledding on P-day with our district. Søster Madsen, Søster Burkman, me, og Søster Richards. We were at a hill behind a member's home. We got fresh snow, but under that was a thick layer of ICE!

  6. Sledding on P-day with our district.

  7. It's a winter wonderland!

  8. Søster Anne Knutsen and I. She is the stake Oslo Primary President and such a sweet lady!

  9. Family Home Evening with all the YSA! Arkeen and Axel in the front with us, Rebekah Sterri, Sindre Gylseth, Benjamin Johansen, Andreas Sterri, Eivind Topp, Anders Isaksen.

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