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1 year!

Kjære familie og venner,

Over the last year, but especially in just the last few months, I've learned so much. Often times, the miracles come when you least expect them, just like it happened this week!

This week, my favorite miracle was how we found Håvard. On Saturday night, Søster Mumford and I were on the bybane (light rail) from the church going home. We were waiting at the bybane stop and were trying to decide who to talk to. By the way, bus and bybane stops are perfect places to contact. Everyone is just waiting. I saw someone that reminded me of Brennon, and that's how we picked who to talk to! We started talking, and when the bybane arrived, we continued talking. We asked if he would make an appointment this week, and he said he was in fact available right then! We started teaching him the Restoration right on the bybane.

Of course, on a Saturday night, there were a lot of students out partying. The bybane was no exception. As soon as we started teaching Håvard, the bybane seemed to get louder and more crowded. We eventually got off, so we could finish the lesson in a quieter area. We taught him about prophets, Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and prayer. We asked him if he would pray to know the Book of Mormon is true. Then he asked, "Could you teach me how to pray?" Of course! We bore testimony of the reality of our loving Heavenly Father and that He would in fact, hear and answer his prayers.

We had a formal lesson together last night. Håvard had read the title page, the introduction, and the Testimonies of the Three and Eight Witnesses before he came. He told us he felt like he couldn't pray sincerely or with faith yet, because he is unsure that God is there. We explained that a way to increase our faith and to find out if God is there, is to pray. We taught him about faith in Jesus Christ, using Alma 32 and a few of our other favorite scriptures.

Håvard made an insightful observation. After we read Alma 32:17-21 together he asked, "Is that why Joseph Smith couldn't show everyone the gold plates?" If everyone had seen God or seen the plates, they would not need to have faith, because they know. As Alma says, "And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true" (Alma 32:21).

We also asked him why he wanted to meet and learn more and he said that he "felt very peaceful when he listened to us" on the bybane. We told him how powerful that is, considering how loud it was that night. We asked him if he thought the feeling of peace was from God. He agreed that it might be. He is going away on a study abroad this week, but we're encouraging him to keep contact with the missionaries in his new area. We are hoping and praying for him!

I am so grateful that the Holy Ghost guides us, testifies of truth, comforts, warns, and protects us. The Holy Ghost is the key to finding and teaching with the convincing power of God. His influence is so powerful! A lot of times, certain people will stand out to me on the street and I'll know we need to talk to them. Other times during lessons, questions or scriptures will come to mind that we need to ask or share. Sometimes, during planning sessions we'll have a break through, knowing which members to work through or how to help someone we're teaching. One of the biggest skills on my mission is how to receive revelation and to be "quick to observe". In other words, to act on it promptly. Heavenly Father is so willing to reveal His mind and will! When we do so, Father in Heavenly uses us as His hands to bless and touch the lives of His children. How can you be an instrument in His hands this week?

Have a great week!

Søster Jessica Brimhall


  1. The top of Lyderhorn!

  2. The top of Lyderhorn!

  3. Here is the picture when we got soaked playing soccer!

  4. Stavkirken at Fantoft. What is that... a Norwegian Rameumptom?!

  5. One of the rock members in Bergen. She was a convert when she was just 14, Else!

  6. Samson & Emmanuel. Last lesson before they left back for Africa!

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