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Bangladesh, Malawi, Philippines!

Saturday was my favorite highlight.

M, the Bangladesh woman we're teaching, made us Bangladesh food! J. and C. came to eat with us (and then have a lesson). It was their 17th wedding anniversary! They were so touched that they got a little taste of Bangladesh on their special day. That was really sweet. M. hasn't been reading, so we recommitted her and taught her why we invite her to study on her own. She is taking an online course this summer and working at a nursing home (does that sound familiar? ). I totally understand how the grind is with work and school and stress. It was really cool how I got to bear my testimony to her about how putting the Lord first will help everything else fall into place - in the most direct and literal way. He provides a way for us to keep His commandments.

We made our way to the city for a lesson. We had a member set up to come with us, but she cancelled last minute. We needed another lady to come with us (we hoped to teach him inside the learning center we have in the city) so we called Søster Jenson. She was on a YSA visit, but they were finishing up and the YSA volunteered to come. The heavens aligned for the lesson to happen! She met us at the learning center and we got to teach S., from Malawi. Literally, it was the best Restoration I've ever taught on my mission. The Spirit was so strong and he knew he felt it too. We used the "cup analogy" to explain dispensations, the Great Apostasy and the final Restoration. The visual aid helped make the lesson come full circle. We bore testimony of the peace and joy the Book of Mormon gives us and he said "I hope to find the same peace and joy. I will read." He has such a humble demeanor and willing heart. He is seeking.

Then, we got a call from an unknown phone number. I answered it and the voice sounded familiar. He explained he was up in Bergen from Haugesund to visit a friend in the hospital. It was Jens Berg! Our branch mission leader from Haugesund! He and his wife Lorna came to Bergen and wanted help finding the church. We got to see Jennifer and Glenn, with Jens and Lorna - all members from Haugesund! It was so special to see them again. It was a Filipino Haugesunsk reunion! I didn't realize how much I missed them until I saw them again.

Have a great week!


Søster Brimhall


  1. Frozen yogurt from 7/11.

  2. Bangladesh food on their anniversary!

  3. Glenn, Jennifer, me, Lorna, and Jens!

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