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Member Missionary Work

President and Sister Tew are here and are fabulous! The first sentence that Sister Tew memorized is "På den åttende dagen, skapte Gud Norge." which means "On the eighth day, God created Norway." They have incredible enthusiasm and love for us missionaries and the work!

On Tuesday, we had a lesson on splits with H., whom we met on the street and gave a Book of Mormon to last week. Our ward mission leader, Harald, came on that teach. We committed him to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know it's true. He is willing to read, but had some concerns about praying. This week's lesson we're going to focus on finding out and addressing those concerns. He became a new investigator! Harald, was sad that he didn't come to church yesterday. It is fun to see how invested the members are getting and how much they remember and care about the investigators that committed to come to church. We also got a referral on Wednesday! T. is a self-referral, from Bergen, but studies the science of relgion in Trondheim. She starting learning about the Church when one of her friends, M., was telling her about it. M. is from Haugesund. I've met M. only twice, but it was fun to make that connection with her! She came to the first lesson having read the Introduction to the Book of Mormon on her own (we didn't ask her!) and took notes as we taught her the Restoration. The Relief Society president came with us on the teach. It was her first time teaching with the missionaries, and she enjoyed herself! We roleplayed with her right before T. came, and I think that helped her feel more comfortable and definitely felt the exciting missionary spirit!

Our transfer goal of inspiring and helping members do missionary work is going strong! We made this list of "small and simple" ways members can do missionary work! See the attachment.

"And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls." -Alma 37:7, from the Book of Mormon

The attached talk has changed the way I view missionary work and encourage members to contribute. Sharing the Gospel becomes more natural the more we strengthen our testimony and understanding of Jesus Christ and His Atonement. A way we show our love and gratitude to the Savior is by how we share His message!

The talk, "Creating a Gospel-sharing Home" by Elder M. Russell Ballard:

This week, pick one of these ideas and try it! I know that if you are willing, Heavenly Father will use you as an instrument in His hands to bless the lives of those around you. He has used us in His hands this week as we are diligent in "small and simple things". Miracles will happen in your own families and wards!

Tell me about your experience! I would love to hear how it goes!

Have a great week! Love,

Søster Jessica Brimhall


  1. Fourth of July with one of the most fantastic members ever! D. is one of our ward missionaries.

  2. We love missionary work!

  3. We lead a Norwegian study group each week. One of the students then taught me how to write "Brimhall" in Arabic!

  4. Bryggen, downtown Bergen.

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