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Hello family and friends!

The work is going strong! T., is progressing most. She got an answer to a question/prayer in the Book of Mormon. She came to church and wants to continue to learn! She said she read every day except for two days this past week. When she was reading consistently, she said her days went better and were less stressful. She said that during that time her neighbor who went out of town let her borrow their car. She knew those were blessings from Heavenly Father! On the two days she didn't read, she said she was more stressed, and then accidentally scratched her neighbor's car. She told us she thought it was because she hadn't read the scriptures that day. How cool it is that she is recognizing the power of reading the Book of Mormon in her life! E. is an investigator from Peru that doesn't yet believe in Jesus Christ. We had a lesson this week and just read from Alma 32 together. We talked about what the seed is, and how to help it grow. He told us "Yeah, I have that seed!" He says that he loves to come to church because he feels so good inside. He also likes to read the Book of Mormon and Bible. He has had some really insightful, questions this week. We talked about that God will answer his prayers - the more important and necessary questions. Some of those other questions don't matter for our eternal progression. We gave a church tour to our investigator D.. He said he felt uplifted and spiritual as we were in the church building. We talked a lot about the sacrament as we stood in the chapel, and then baptism as we were in the baptismal font room. The Spirit was strong. It was so sad because he said the very next day he was flying back to Uganda and won't be back until December. We asked if we could refer him to the missionaries there, but he said he thinks he knows where the church is and would find it himself. We are praying he'll find it! We have an investigator in Voss (1 hour train ride from Bergen), who was a former and also a member referral. The member, and we took the train out there to teach her. We taught her the law of chastity and committed her to pray about whether she should move out of her boyfriend's apartment or not (she said that he didn't want to get married). We're looking forward to seeing how it went. Voss was beautiful!

"When you can’t give more, when you’ve gone beyond your ability to give, then sit still. Call on the Holy Ghost and angels to come to you. Be still and get full.” -Sister Sharon Eubank

Have a great week!

Med kjærlighet,

Søster Brimhall


  1. Voss!

  2. Voss!

  3. Middle of Fløibanen overlooking Bergen during a rainstorm.

  4. Thursday rained cats and dogs! Dance in it, stomp in the puddles, and look for the rainbows! :)

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