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9 Months!

Dear Family and Friends,

T., a previous investigator, contacted us and asked to get a new Book of Mormon and said that now she feels ready to learn about the Gospel. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and about prophets, and she readily accepted to read President Nelson's last talk and pray to know he is a prophet. She seems to be sincerely interested and ready to change!

E., an investigator, believes in God but not yet that Jesus Christ is God's Son. He seems to be really progressing. He travelled away for work this week, but we keep in touch and send him scriptures. He works 12 hour night shifts on a boat. He replied to one of our texts by saying that sometimes he thinks he wants to be baptized! He has prayed about it a little bit. I am so excited to help him progress and increase his desire for baptism! He said he likes reading the Book of Momron, but especially loves coming to church. He commented on how different he's already become. He quit coffee on his own and continues while he's away, especially miraculous with his job circumstances.

Today marks my 9 month mark! Aah! I am grateful when I look back on the first half of my mission and filled with faith as I look to the next half. Simply stated, I know that this Church is true. I am learning so many life lessons here and am excited what the rest will bring!

Just a few of the most important things I've learned so far are:

-In moments of hardship and fatigue, focusing on others is the key to enduring to the end.

-"Obedience brings blessings. Exact obedience brings miracles."

-Choosing to be happy, and make the most of whatever comes my way!

-Praying with faith, then being led by the Spirit.

Have a great week!


Søster Brimhall


1. Edvard Grieg's home. It was fun to visit it again!

2-4. Søster Horgmo and I in the city park (downtown Bergen). The tulips and blossoms are beautiful!

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