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What a Great Week!

Hello Family and Friends!

We had an incredible meeting with a recent convert and her 5 year old daughter. She usually never answers the phone or texts, so we've knocked on her door several times but had never answered. We finally got in with her this week and talked about how she felt when she first read the Book of Mormon. We made a return appointment so we could meet her little girl. At the second appointment, we noticed a big change in her. She was more comely, her house was cleaner, and seemed to have the more light in her eyes. We built a strong friendship with their family very quickly. We gave them a copy of the Stories from the Book of Mormon (a picture version for children). The mother told us her favorite story was Lehi's dream of the Tree of Life so Søster Livingstone thought to act it out. We had the daughter close her eyes, we hid one of her stuffed animals, and her mom gave her directions to find it again, while I gave her false directions. She had to tune my voice out and listen to her mother's directions (symbolic of paying no heed to the mists of darkness or those in the great and spacious building, while holding fast the the iron rod). She kept her eyes closed, and eventually found her animal! Then, we read the story together from the book. The daughter was very excited and asked her mom "Can we read this book more tonight?". There is an unmistakable power from the Book of Mormon that strengthens families. When a family feels the Spirit together often, they strengthen their relationships to last through eternity. Here is a funny story of the week. We came to our house on Saturday night and our lock was jammed (our key wouldn't turn the lock, it just kept spinning). All the windows were locked and our land lord wasn't home either. So, we called the senior missionaries who happened to be in town and were staying the night with the branch president and his family. Elder Castle (the senior missionary) and the branch president came to try our door, but no luck. They offered that we stay the night with them! So, the branch president's wife started making beds ready in their RV (their guest beds were already being occupied by the senior couple). Soon thereafter, we got a call that our land lord had sprayed a chemical inside the lock and it was now open! The sea salt and grime had built up inside our lock (we live 40 meters from the water).


Søster Brimhall

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