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MTC Week 2: My Purpose

Hei hei fra MTCen!

My purpose as a missionary is to "help others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end". Every day, I fulfill this purpose by teaching others about Jesus Christ and His Gospel.

This week, my companions came out of a lesson with our new investigator last Saturday night. Just when I got comfortable speaking and listening to Oslo Norwegian, our teachers threw my companions and I a curve ball! He was speaking with an accent from Stavanger, so the accent was completely different than what I've been learning. Instead of rolling their r's like in Oslo, they scar their r's, so it sounds much more like French or German. I was humbled. Though a challenge, I know the Lord is providing me with important learning experiences now, so I will be more prepared to teach His children in Norway. After this experience, I set a goal to access the Lord's power in the gift of tongues through humility. I am striving to learn to truly rely on the Lord to learn Norwegian.

After working so hard the last few days, we've had lessons that have gone so much better! We taught our first two TRC lessons last night. These lessons we teach to people who are members of the Church. Usually they are a returned missionary from Oslo. It was so great, especially compared to the lesson I mentioned above. I didn't need to reference my Norwegian helps/prompts, and I knew what to say when to say it, and could also understand them. I felt love for them almost immediately when I walked into the room.

When we are humble, have faith in Jesus Christ, and work hard, His grace is sufficient. He makes our weaknesses strong (Ether 12:27). This, I know!


Sister Brimhall

P.S. I'd love to hear from you! My email is You can also see my blog posts (updated by my wonderful mother!) at and write me letters for free through write I'm going to Norway Oslo and that my mailbox number is 86).

1. We hosted new incoming missionaries! Hence, my "HOST" tag.

2. The beautiful Provo temple

3. My companions and I. Our district is celebrating Christmas in September, so we dressed for the occasion!

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